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The Better Career Pledge

A promise to serve others


Why I took the pledge

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I believe careers are one of the most important considerations for meaning & impact, and I aim to be thoughtful, considerate, and purposeful in my own career.

Litawn Gan

A world where everyone who wants to contribute to a better future can pursue a meaningful career without compromising their values - empowered by our support, guidance, and community.

The Better Career Pledge

I recognize that my career is one of the most powerful tools I have to create a positive impact in the world.
I pledge to align my professional life with my values by pursuing work that contributes to the greater good. I commit to using my skills, time, and opportunities to maximize my ability to make a meaningful difference, remaining thoughtful and purposeful in the choices I make throughout my career.
I make this pledge freely, openly, and sincerely, knowing that my actions can create lasting change.

If you feel comfortable, you can share your phone number for use in follow-up surveys

What is your current employment status?

Act as if what you do makes a difference. It does.”

 - William James

Better Career Pledge

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The Better Careers Pledge is an initiative by Effective Altruism Denmark, aimed at empowering individuals to align their careers with high impact areas.

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